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Schrotthagen Nostalgie und Traurigkeit Tour 2025 @ Live Music Hall Köln

location_onLive Music Hall, Köln calendar_monthfri. 05/12/2025 schedule21:00

Single price Quantity Total price
Ticket Phase 1
calendar_monthfri. 05/12/2025

Single price: 20,00 Euro Quantity:
sold out 0,00 Euro
Ticket Phase 2
calendar_monthfri. 05/12/2025

Single price: 25,00 Euro Quantity:
sold out 0,00 Euro
Ticket Phase 3
calendar_monthfri. 05/12/2025

Single price: 30,00 Euro Quantity:
sold out 0,00 Euro
Ticket Phase 4
calendar_monthfri. 05/12/2025

Single price: 35,00 Euro Quantity:
0,00 Euro
Total cost:0 Article0,00 Euro
Booking fee:
inclusive all service fees and transaction costs
Subtotal:all prices are incl. VAT.

Schrotthagen kommt nach Köln! Sichert euch jetzt ein Ticket und seid dabei! Es wird einzigartig.

Tickets gibts ab Mittwoch, 12.03.25 ab 16 Uhr

Einlass ab 21:00 Uhr
Ab 18 Jahren (Ausweispflicht) 

Wegbeschreibung Schrotthagen Nostalgie und Traurigkeit Tour 2025 @ Live Music Hall Köln

  • location_on

    Live Music Hall

    Lichtstraße 30
    50825 Köln

  • calendar_month
    fri. 05/12/2025
  • schedule


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  Tickets in the shopping cart are not reserved
TicketpriceTotal price
Hardticket:Hardticket + gift packaging:
incl. printing and shipping
Booking fee:
inclusive all service fees and transaction costs
Total including VAT:
Note: ticket i/O GmbH is not itself the organizer of the event offered. The event is carried out by the organizer, who is also the issuer of the tickets. ticket i/O GmbH merely arranges the tickets on behalf of the organizer. The organizer is Fckng Serious e.K., Auf der Dürich 2, 63571 Gelnhausen
Furthermore, ticket i/O GmbH arranges ticket insurance from AGS Pier GmbH.

Payment method